V1.1 Dropped the date and time fields from the SuperDex card to eliminate the annoyance of lossing the cursor each time the minutes changed. Moved this data to a separate stak to save space.
V1.04 Improvements: Moves this info to a separate card, rather than mixing it in with the help file.
V1.03 Improvements: I just found out the "Mailing List" button works without script if you make it "auto hilite."
V1.02 Improvements: Adds the "Clear Mailing List" button to the Mailing List Maker (to reset all active Mailing List buttons in the selected SuperDex stack to off), and makes things a little easier to read on 9" screen (for those who don't have a Mac II). It also makes the "Mailing List Maker" stack more flexible by allowing you to go to any one of several address file stacks of the same design, rather than locking you into the name "SuperDex." The default is set to "SuperDex," but you can easily modify this to something else by changing the script for the "SuperDex Stack," "Clear Mailing List," and "Initial SuperDex Setup" buttons.
V1.01 Improvements: "New Card" feature on SuperDex background makes sure the "Mailing List" check button gets moved to the new card.